Fluctuation dynamo at finite correlation times and the Kazantsev spectrum [CL]


We derive a generalized model of fluctuation dynamo with finite correlation time, $\tau$, using renovating flows. For $\tau \to 0$, we recover the standard Kazantsev equation for the evolution of longitudinal magnetic correlation, $M_L$. To the next order in $\tau$, the generalized equation involves third and fourth spatial derivatives of $M_L$. It can be recast using the Landau-Lifschitz approach, to one with at most second derivatives of $M_L$. Remarkably, we then find that the magnetic power spectrum, remains the Kazantsev spectrum of $M(k) \propto k^{3/2}$, in the large $k$ limit, independent of $\tau$.

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P. Bhat and K. Subramanian
Wed, 18 Jun 14

Comments: 5 pages, submitted to PRE