Dark Photon as Fractional Cosmic Neutrino Masquerader [CL]


Recently, Weinberg proposed a Higgs portal model with a spontaneously broken global $U(1)$ symmetry in which Goldstone bosons may be masquerading as fractional cosmic neutrinos. We extend the model by gauging the $U(1)$ symmetry. This gives rise to the so-called dark photon and dark Higgs. The dark photons can constitute about 0.912 (0.167) to the effective number of light neutrino species if they decouple from the thermal bath before the pions become non-relativistic and after (before) the QCD transition. Restriction on the parameter space of the portal coupling and the dark Higgs mass is obtained from the freeze-out condition of the dark photons. Combining with the collider data constraints on the invisible width of the standard model Higgs requires the dark Higgs mass to be less than a few GeV.

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K. Ng, H. Tu and T. Yuan
Wed, 11 Jun 14

Comments: 19 pages, 3 figures