Using overlapping fields with space-based Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and ground-based Subaru Telescope imaging we identify a population of blended galaxies that would not be easily distinguished with ground-based monochromatic imaging alone, which we label as ‘ambiguous blends’. For the depth targeted with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), the ambiguous blend population is both large (~14%) and has a distribution of ellipticities that is markedly different from that of unblended objects in a way that will likely be important for the weak lensing measurements. Most notably, we find that ambiguous blending results in a ~14% increase in shear noise (or ~12% decrease in the effective number density of galaxies, $n_{eft}$) due to 1) larger intrinsic ellipticity dispersion, 2) a scaling with the galaxy number density $N_{gal}$ that is shallower than 1/$\sqrt{N_{gal}}$. For the LSST Gold Sample (i<25.3) there is a $\sim$7\% increase in shear noise (or ~7% decrease in $n_{eff}$)
W. Dawson, M. Schneider, J. Tyson, et. al.
Mon, 9 Jun 14
Comments: Submitted to ApJ Letters, 6 pages, 5 figures
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