Clustering GCG: a viable option for unified dark matter-dark energy? [CEA]

We study the clustering Generalized Chaplygin Gas (GCG) as a possible candidate for dark matter-dark energy unification. The vanishing speed of sound ($c_{s}^2 = 0$) for the GCG fluid can be obtained by incorporating higher derivative operator in the original K-essence lagrangian. The evolution of the density fluctuations in the GCG+Baryon fluid is studied in the linear regime. The observational constraints on the model are obtained using latest data from SNIa, $H(z)$, BAO and also for the $f\sigma_{8}$ measurements. The matter power spectra for the allowed parameter values are well behaved without any unphysical features.

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S. Kumar and A. Sen
Fri, 23 May 14

Comments: 10 pages, Latex style, 6 eps figures. Comments Welcome