We analyze the quantum-corrected moduli space of D7-brane position moduli with special emphasis on inflationary model building. D7-brane deformation moduli are key players in two recently proposed inflationary scenarios: The first, D7-brane chaotic inflation, is a variant of axion monodromy inflation which allows for an effective 4d supergravity description. The second, fluxbrane inflation, is a stringy version of D-term hybrid inflation. Both proposals rely on the fact that D7-brane coordinates enjoy a shift-symmetric Kahler potential at large complex structure of the Calabi-Yau threefold, making them naturally lighter than other fields. This shift symmetry is inherited from the mirror-dual Type IIA Wilson line on a D6-brane at large volume. The inflaton mass can be provided by a tree-level term in the flux superpotential. It induces a monodromy and, if tuned to a sufficiently small value, can give rise to a large-field model of inflation. Alternatively, by a sensible flux choice one can completely avoid a tree-level mass term, in which case the inflaton potential is induced via loop corrections. The positive vacuum energy can then be provided by a D-term, leading to a small-field model of hybrid natural inflation. In the present paper, we continue to develop a detailed understanding of the D7-brane moduli space focusing among others on shift-symmetry-preserving flux choices, flux-induced superpotential in Type IIB/F-theory language, and loop corrections. While the inflationary applications represent our main physics motivation, we expect that some of our findings will be useful for other phenomenological issues involving 7-branes in Type IIB/F-theory constructions.
M. Arends, A. Hebecker, K. Heimpel, et. al.
Thu, 15 May 14
Comments: 69 pages, 10 figures; v2: references added, error in cosmic string bound corrected
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