Gauged M-flation After BICEP2 [CL]

In view of the recent BICEP2 results [arXiv:1403.3985] which may be attributed to the observation of B-modes polarization of the CMB with tensor-to-scalar ratio $r=0.2_{-0.05}^{+0.07}$, we revisit M-flation model. Gauged M-flation is a string theory motivated inflation model with Matrix valued scalar inflaton fields in the adjoint representation of a $U(N)$ Yang-Mills theory. In continuation of our previous works, we show that in the M-flation model induced from a supersymmetric 10d background probed by a stack of $N$ D3-branes, the “effective inflaton” $\phi$ has a double-well Higgs-like potential, with minima at $\phi=0,\mu$. We focus on the $\phi>\mu$, symmetry-breaking region. We thoroughly examine predictions of the model for $r$ in the $2\sigma$ region allowed for $n_S$ by the Planck experiment. As computed in [arXiv:0903.1481], for $N_e=60$ and $n_S=0.96$ we find $r\simeq 0.2$, which sits in the sweet spot of BICEP2 region for $r$. We find that with increasing $\mu$ arbitrarily, $n_S$ cannot go beyond $\simeq 0.9670$. As $n_S$ varies in the $2\sigma$ range which is allowed by Planck and could be reached by the model, $r$ varies in the range $[0.1322,0.2623]$. Future cosmological experiments, like the CMBPOL, that confines $n_S$ with $\sigma(n_S)=0.0029$ can constraint the model further. Also, in this region of potential, for $n_S=0.9603$, we find that the largest isocurvature mode, which is uncorrelated with curvature perturbations, has a power spectrum with the amplitude of order $10^{-11}$ at the end of inflation. We also discuss the range of predictions of $r$ in the hilltop region, $\phi< \mu$.

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A. Ashoorioon and M. Sheikh-Jabbari
Fri, 9 May 14

Comments: v1:16 pages, 9 figures