Estimating extragalactic Faraday rotation [IMA]

(abridged) Observations of Faraday rotation for extragalactic sources probe magnetic fields both inside and outside the Milky Way. Building on our earlier estimate of the Galactic foreground (Oppermann et al., 2012), we set out to estimate the extragalactic contributions. We discuss different strategies and the problems involved. In particular, we point out that taking the difference between the observed values and the Galactic foreground reconstruction is not a good estimate for the extragalactic contributions. We present a few possibilities for improved estimates using the existing foreground map, allowing for imperfectly described observational noise. In this context, we point out a degeneracy between the contributions to the observed values due to extragalactic magnetic fields and observational noise and comment on the dangers of over-interpreting an estimate without taking into account its uncertainty information. Finally, we develop a reconstruction algorithm based on the assumption that the observational uncertainties are accurately described for a subset of the data, which can overcome this degeneracy. We demonstrate its performance in a simulation, yielding a high quality reconstruction of the Galactic Faraday depth, a precise estimate of the typical extragalactic contribution, and a well-defined probabilistic description of the extragalactic contribution for each source. We apply this reconstruction technique to a catalog of Faraday rotation observations. We vary our assumptions about the data, showing that the dispersion of extragalactic contributions to observed Faraday depths is likely lower than 7 rad/m^2, in agreement with earlier results, and that the extragalactic contribution to an individual data point is poorly constrained by the data in most cases. Posterior samples for the extragalactic contributions and all results of our fiducial model are provided online.

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N. Oppermann, H. Junklewitz, M. Greiner, et. al.
Tue, 15 Apr 14