It has recently been shown that dark-matter annihilation to bottom quarks provides a good fit to the galactic-center gamma-ray excess identified in the Fermi-LAT data. In the favored dark matter mass range $m\sim 30-40$ GeV, achieving the best-fit annihilation rate $\sigma v \sim 5\times 10^{-26}$ cm$^{3}$ s$^{-1}$ with perturbative couplings requires a sub-TeV mediator particle that interacts with both dark matter and bottom quarks. In this paper, we consider the minimal viable scenarios in which a Standard Model singlet mediates s-channel interactions {\it only} between dark matter and bottom quarks, focusing on axial-vector, vector, and pseudoscalar couplings. Using simulations that include on-shell mediator production, we show that existing sbottom searches currently offer the strongest sensitivity over a large region of the favored parameter space explaining the gamma-ray excess, particularly for axial-vector interactions. The 13 TeV LHC will be even more sensitive; however, it may not be sufficient to fully cover the favored parameter space, and the pseudoscalar scenario will remain unconstrained by these searches. We also find that direct-detection constraints, induced through loops of bottom quarks, complement collider bounds to disfavor the vector-current interaction when the mediator is heavier than twice the dark matter mass. We also present some simple models that generate pseudoscalar-mediated annihilation predominantly to bottom quarks.
E. Izaguirre, G. Krnjaic and B. Shuve
Wed, 9 Apr 14
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