X-ray reflection in oxygen-rich accretion discs of ultra-compact X-ray binaries [HEAP]


We present spectroscopic X-ray data of two candidate ultra-compact X-ray binaries: 4U~0614+091 and 4U~1543$-$624. We confirm the presence of a broad O VIII Ly$\alpha$ reflection line (at $\approx18\ \AA$) using {\it XMM-Newton} and {\it Chandra} observations obtained in 2012 and 2013. The donor star in these sources is carbon-oxygen or oxygen-neon-magnesium white dwarf. Hence, the accretion disc is enriched with oxygen which makes the O VIII Ly$\alpha$ line particularly strong. We also confirm the presence of a strong absorption edge at $\approx14$ \AA\ so far interpreted in the literature as due to absorption by neutral neon in the circumstellar and interstellar medium. However, the abundance required to obtain a good fit to this edge is $\approx3-4$ times solar, posing a problem for this interpretation. Furthermore, modeling the X-ray reflection off a carbon and oxygen enriched, hydrogen and helium poor disc with models assuming solar composition likely biases several of the best-fit parameters. In order to describe the X-ray reflection spectra self-consistently we modify the currently available {\sc xillver} reflection model. We present initial grids that can be used to model X-ray reflection spectra in UCXBs with carbon-oxygen-rich accretion disc. We find that the new reflection model provides a better overall description of the reflection spectra of 4U~0614+091 and 4U~1543$-$624 than the reflection models that assume solar abundances. Besides a strong O VIII Ly$\alpha$ line the new reflection model also shows a strong O VIII K-edge (at $14.23$ \AA). We find that the absorption edge at $\approx 14$ \AA\ present in the data can be described by a O VIII K-edge formed due to reflection in the accretion disc and a Ne I K-edge originating mostly in the interstellar medium, mitigating the problem of the apparent very high neon abundance.

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O. Madej, J. Garcia, P. Jonker, et. al.
Fri, 7 Mar 14