Dragging of inertial frames inside the rotating neutron stars [HEAP]


We derive the exact frame-dragging rate inside the rotating neutron star. This formula is applied to obtain the frame-dragging frequency at the centre of this object precisely. Using this formulation we show that the frame-dragging rate monotonically decreases from the centre to the surface of the pole. But there appears an anomaly in the frame-dragging rate from the centre to the surface of the equator and its around. Moving from the equator to the pole, this anomaly disappears after crossing a certain `critical’ angle. It is also shown that this anomaly is completely independent of the equations of state and it depends only on the rotation frequency and the central density of a particular pulsar.

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C. Chakraborty, K. Modak and D. Bandyopadhyay
Wed, 26 Feb 14