Data analysis Pipeline for EChO end-to-end simulations [IMA]

Atmospheric spectroscopy of extrasolar planets is an intricate business. Atmospheric signatures typically require a photometric precision of $1 \times 10^{-4}$ in flux over several hours. Such precision demands high instrument stability as well as an understanding of stellar variability and an optimal data reduction and removal of systematic noise. In the context of the EChO mission concept, we here discuss the data reduction and analysis pipeline developed for the EChO end-to-end simulator EChOSim. We present and discuss the step by step procedures required in order to obtain the final exoplanetary spectrum from the EChOSim`raw data’ using a simulated observation of the secondary eclipse of the hot-Neptune 55 Cnc e.

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I. Waldmann and E. Pascale
Wed, 19 Feb 14