Excluding the Light Dark Matter Window of a 331 Model Using LHC and Direct Dark Matter Detection Data [CL]


We sift the impact of the recent Higgs precise measurements and recent direct detection results on the dark sector of an electroweak extension of the Standard Model that has a complex scalar as dark matter. We find out that the Higgs decays with a large branching ratio into dark matter particles and charged scalars when these channels are kinematically available and that WIMP-nucleon scattering cross section is quite large in the low mass dark matter regime. Therefore, gathering the data from Higgs and dark matter search we literally rule out the low WIMP mass window. Lastly, we compute the charged scalar production cross section at the LHC and comment on the possibility of detection at current and future LHC runnings.

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D. Cogollo, A. Gonzalez-Morales, F. Queiroz, et. al.
Mon, 17 Feb 14