Calculations of radio emission from ultra-high energy cosmic ray air showers: a practical approach [HEAP]

A simple method has been devised to reduce the computing time needed to calculate the electric field of radio pulses emitted from air showers. It relies on an approximate description of the patterns of the radio pulses produced by two different mechanisms: the excess charge and the geomagnetic deviation of the charged particles. The amplitudes of the electric field due to each of these mechanisms must be calculated in Monte Carlo simulations but only at a few positions along a line at ground level. The amplitudes at other positions are deduced using the projected Cherenkov cone on the ground. The polarization patterns of the electric field due to each mechanism are different and are taken from relatively well known properties of the radio emission in air showers. The results of this approach, that can be obtained with modest computing resources, are shown to agree at a few percent level with full Monte Carlo simulations.

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J. Alvarez-Muniz, W. Carvalho, H. Schoorlemmer, et. al.
Mon, 17 Feb 14