We use hydrodynamic simulations to investigate nonlinear gas responses to an imposed stellar spiral potential in disk galaxies. The gaseous medium is assumed to be infinitesimally thin, isothermal, and unmagnetized. We consider various spiral-arm models with differing strength and pattern speed. We find that the extent and shapes of gaseous arms as well as the related mass drift rate depend rather sensitively on the arm pattern speed. In models where the arm pattern is rotating slow, the gaseous arms extend across the corotation resonance (CR) all the way to the outer boundary, with a pitch angle slightly smaller than that of the stellar counterpart. In models with a fast rotating pattern, on the other hand, spiral shocks are much more tightly wound than the stellar arms, and cease to exist in the regions near and outside the CR where $\mathcal{M}_\perp/{\rm sin} p_* \ge 25-40$, with $\mathcal{M}_\perp$ denoting the perpendicular Mach number of a rotating gas relative to the arms with pitch angle $p_*$. Inside the CR, the arms drive mass inflows at a rate of $\sim 0.05-3.0 {\rm M}_\odot {\rm yr}^{-1}$ to the central region, with larger values corresponding to stronger and slower arms. The contribution of the shock dissipation, external torque, and self-gravitational torque to the mass inflow is roughly 50%, 40%, and 10%, respectively. We demonstrate that the distributions of line-of-sight velocities and spiral-arm densities can be a useful diagnostic tool to distinguish if the spiral pattern is rotating fast or slow.
Y. Kim and W. Kim
Wed, 12 Feb 14
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