The Radio Continuum-Star Formation Rate Relation in WSRT SINGS Galaxies [GA]

We study the spatially resolved Radio Continuum-Star Formation Rate (RC-SFR) relation using state-of-the-art star-formation (SF) tracers in a sample of 17 THINGS galaxies. We use hybrid Sigma_SFR maps (GALEX FUV plus Spitzer 24 mu), RC maps at 22/18 cm from the WSRT SINGS survey, and H-alpha maps to correct for thermal RC emission. We compare azimuthally averaged radial profiles of the RC and FUV/MIR-based Sigma_SFR maps and study pixel-by-pixel correlations at fixed linear scales of 1.2 and 0.7 kpc. The ratio of the integrated SFRs from the RC emission to that of the FUV/MIR-based SF tracers is R_int = 0.78 +/- 0.38, consistent with Condon’s relation. We find a tight correlation between the radial profiles of the radio and FUV/MIR-based Sigma_SFR for the entire extent of the disk. The ratio R of the azimuthally averaged radio to FUV/MIR-based Sigma_SFR agrees with the integrated ratio with only small quasi-random fluctuations as function of radius. Pixel-by-pixel plots show a tight correlation in log-log diagrams of radio to FUV/MIR-based Sigma_SFR, with a typical standard deviation of a factor of two. Averaged over our sample we find (Sigma_SFR)_RC ~ (Sigma_SFR)_hyb^{0.63+/-0.25} implying that data points with high Sigma_SFR are relatively radio bright, whereas the reverse is true for low Sigma_SFR. We interpret this as a result of spectral ageing of CRe, which is supported by the radio spectral index: data points dominated by young CRe are relatively radio dim, those dominated by old CRe are relatively radio dim. The ratio of radio to FUV/MIR-based integrated SFR is independent of global galaxy parameters, suggesting that we can use RC emission as a universal SF tracer for galaxies, if we restrict ourselves to global or azimuthally averaged measurements. A magnetic field-SFR relation, B ~ SFR_hyb^{0.30+/-0.02}, holding both globally and locally, can explain our results. (abridged)

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V. Heesen, E. Brinks, A. Leroy, et. al.
Mon, 10 Feb 14