Atom interferometry is an exciting tool to probe fundamental physics. It is considered especially apt to test the universality of free fall using two different sorts of atoms. The increasing sensitivity required for this kind of experiment sets severe requirements on its environments, instrument control, and systematic effects. This can partially be mitigated by going to space as was proposed, for example, in the STE-QUEST mission. However, the requirements on the instrument are still very challenging. For example, the specifications of STE-QUEST mission imply that the Feshbach coils of the atom interferometer are allowed to change their radius only by about 70 nm or 7x10E-5 % due to thermal expansion although they consume an average power of 22 W. Also Earth’s magnetic field has to be suppressed by a factor $10^5$. We show in this article that with the right design such thermal and magnetic requirements can indeed be met and that these are not an impediment for the exciting physics possible with atom interferometers in space.
A. Milke, A. Kubelka, N. Gurlebeck, et. al.
Mon, 10 Feb 14
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