We present an updated version of the so-called Madau model for the attenuation by the intergalactic neutral hydrogen against the radiation from distant objects. First, we derive a distribution function of the intergalactic absorbers from the latest observational statistics of the Ly$\alpha$ forest, Lyman limit systems, and damped Ly$\alpha$ systems. The distribution function excellently reproduces the observed redshift evolutions of the Ly$\alpha$ depression and of the mean-free-path of the Lyman continuum simultaneously. Then, we derive a set of the analytic functions which describe the mean intergalactic attenuation curve for objects at $z>0.5$. Our new model predicts, for some redshifts, more than 0.5–1 mag different attenuation magnitudes through usual broad-band filters relative to the original Madau model. Such a difference would cause uncertainty of the photometric redshift of 0.2, in particular, at $z\simeq3$–4. Finally, we find a more than 0.5 mag overestimation of the Lyman continuum attenuation in the original Madau model at $z>3$, which causes a significant overcorrection against direct observations of the Lyman continuum of galaxies.
Wed, 5 Feb 14
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