This whitepaper describes how the VLASS could be designed in a manner to allow the identification of candidate dual active galactic nuclei (AGN) at separations <7 kpc. Dual AGN represent a clear marker of two supermassive black holes within an ongoing merger. A dual AGN survey will provide a wealth of studies in structure growth and gravitational-wave science. Radio wavelengths are ideal for identifying close pairs, as disturbed stellar and gaseous material can obscure their presence in optical and shorter wavelengths. With sufficiently high resolution and sensitivity, a large-scale radio imaging survey like the VLASS will uncover many of these systems and provide the means to broadly study the radio properties of candidate dual systems revealed at other wavelengths. We determine that the ideal survey for our purposes will be at as high a resolution as possible, with significantly more science return in A array at L-band or higher, or B array at C-band or higher. We describe a range of potential survey parameters within this document. Based on the analysis outlined in this whitepaper, our ideal survey would create a catalogue of $\gtrsim$100 dual AGN in either: 1) a medium-sensitivity (~1 mJy detection threshold), wide-field (few thousand square degree) survey, or 2) a high-sensitivity (~10 uJy threshold) survey of several hundred square degrees.
Wed, 5 Feb 14
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