The Progenitors of Local Ultra-massive Galaxies Across Cosmic Time: from Dusty Star-bursting to Quiescent Stellar Populations [CEA]

Using the UltraVISTA catalogs, we investigate the evolution in the 11.4 Gyr since z=3 of the progenitors of local ultra-massive galaxies ($\log{(M_{\rm star}/M_{\odot})}\approx11.8$; UMGs), providing a complete and consistent picture of how the most massive galaxies at z=0 have assembled. By selecting the progenitors with a semi-empirical approach using abundance matching, we infer a growth in stellar mass of 0.56 dex, 0.45 dex, and 0.27 dex from z=3, z=2, and z=1, respectively, to z=0. At z<1, the progenitors of UMGs constitute a homogeneous population of only quiescent galaxies with old stellar populations. At z>1, the contribution from star-forming galaxies progressively increases, with the progenitors at 2<z<3 being dominated by massive ($M_{\rm star} \approx 2 \times 10^{11}$M$_{\odot}$), dusty ($A_{\rm V}\sim$1-2.2 mag), star-forming (SFR$\sim$100-400 M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$) galaxies with a large range in stellar ages. At z=2.75, ~15% of the progenitors are quiescent, with properties typical of post-starburst galaxies with little dust extinction and strong Balmer break, and showing a large scatter in color. Our findings indicate that local UMGs have been mostly assembled between z=3 and z=1.5. Most of the quenching of the star-forming progenitors happened between z=2.75 and z=1.25, in good agreement with the typical formation redshift and scatter in age of z=0 UMGs as derived from their fossil records. We show that the progenitors of local UMGs, including the star-forming ones, have never lived on the blue cloud since z=3, challenging previously proposed pictures for the formation of local massive spheroids, and we propose an alternative path for the formation of local UMGs consistent with our findings.

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Tue, 4 Feb 14