One of the main goals of physical cosmology is to reconstruct the expansion history of the universe and finding the actual model of dark energy. In this article I review the difficulties of understanding dark energy and discuss about two strategic approaches, ‘reconstructing dark energy’ and ‘falsifying dark energy models’. While one can use the data to reconstruct the expansion history of the universe and the properties of dark energy using novel approaches, considering the data limitations and its uncertainties we have to deal with cosmographic degeneracies that makes it difficult to distinguish between different dark energy models. On the other hand one can use the power of the data to falsify an assumed model using advanced statistical techniques. Within all these issues, focusing on falsification of cosmological constant has a particular importance since finding any significant deviation from $\Lambda$ would result to a break through in theoretical physics, ruling out the standard concordance model of cosmology.
Thu, 30 Jan 14
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