We report the detection of molecular CO(1-0) gas in F00183-7111, one of the most extreme Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies known, with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. We measure a redshift of 0.3292 for F00183-7111 from the CO(1-0) line and estimate the mass of the molecular gas in 00183 to be 1 $\times$ 10$^{10}$ M$_{\odot}$. We find that F00183-7111 is predominately powered by the AGN and only $\sim$14 per cent of the total luminosity is contributed by star-formation (SFR $\sim$220 M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$). We also present an optical image of F00183-7111, which shows an extension to the East. We searched for star-formation in this extension using radio continuum observations but do not detect any. This suggests that the star-formation is likely to be predominately nuclear. These observations provide additional support for a model in which the radio emission from ULIRGs is powered by an intense burst of star-formation and by a radio-loud AGN embedded in its nucleus, both triggered by a merger of gas-rich galaxies.
Wed, 22 Jan 14
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