First gravitational lensing mass estimate of a damped Lyman-alpha galaxy at z=2.2 [CEA]

We present the first lensing total mass estimate of a galaxy, at redshift 2.207, that acts as a gravitational deflector and damped Lyman-alpha absorber on the background QSO SDSS J1135-0010, at redshift 2.888. The remarkably small projected distance, or impact parameter, between the lens and the source has been estimated to be 0.8 +/- 0.1 kpc in a recent work. By exploiting the Sloan Digital Sky Survey database, we establish a likely lensing magnification signal in the photometry of the QSO. This is determined to be 2.2 mag brighter (or 8 times more luminous) than the median QSO at comparable redshifts. We describe the total mass distribution of the lens galaxy with a one-component singular isothermal sphere model and contrast the values of the observed and model-predicted magnification factors. For the former, we use conservatively the photometric data of the 95% of the available distant QSO population. We estimate that the values of the lens effective velocity dispersion and two-dimensional total mass, projected within a cylinder with radius equal to the impact parameter, are included between 60 and 170 km/s and 2.1 x 10^9 and 1.8 x 10^10 M_Sun, respectively. We conclude by remarking that analyses of this kind are crucial to exploring the relation between the luminous and dark matter components of galaxies in the high-redshift Universe.

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Wed, 22 Jan 14