STEP and fundamental physics [CL]

The Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle (STEP) will advance experimental limits on violations of Einstein’s Equivalence Principle from their present sensitivity of 2 parts in $10^{13}$ to 1 part in $10^{18}$ through multiple comparison of the motions of four pairs of test masses of different compositions in a drag-free earth-orbiting satellite. We describe the experiment, its current status, and its potential implications for fundamental physics. Equivalence is at the heart of general relativity, our governing theory of gravity, and violations are expected in most attempts to unify this theory with the other fundamental interactions of physics, as well as in many theoretical explanations for the phenomenon of dark energy in cosmology. Detection of such a violation would be equivalent to the discovery of a new force of nature. A null result would be almost as profound, pushing upper limits on any coupling between standard-model fields and the new light degrees of freedom generically predicted by these theories down to unnaturally small levels.

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Tue, 21 Jan 14