The photometric system of the one-meter telescope at Weihai observatory of Shandong university [IMA]

The one-meter telescope at Weihai Observatory of Shandong university is an f/8 Cassegrain telescope. Three sets of filters, including Johnson–Cousins UBVRI, Sloan Digital Sky Survey u’g’r’i’z’ and Str\”{o}mgren uvby, are installed in a dual layer filterwheel. The photometric system and the CCD camera are introduced in the paper, followed by detailed analysis of their performances, and determination of the relevant parameters, including gain, readout noise, dark current and linearity of the CCD camera. In addition, the characteristics of the site astro-climate condition, including typical seeing, clear nights statistics, and average sky brightness were studied systematically based on data gathered from Sep. 2007 to Aug. 2013, and were reported in this work. Photometric calibrations were done using 8 nights Landolt standard star observations, which yielded transformation coefficients, photometry precision and system throughput. The limiting magnitudes were simulated using the derived calibration parameters and classic observation conditions at WHO.

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Mon, 20 Jan 14