Neutrino Oscillation from Magnetized Strange Stars [HEAP]

Strange-quark matter (SQM) is a likely candidate of the ground state of nuclear matter. Along with many other equations of state (EoSs), SQM seemed to be severely constrained by the recent discoveries of the 1.97 $M_\odot$ PSR J1614-2230 and the 2.01 $M_\odot$ PSR J0348+0432. However with new, $O(\alpha_c^2)$, perturbative calculations, SQM seems to be able to accommodate masses as large as $\sim 2.75 M_\odot$. The literature of SQM stars or strange stars includes estimates of internal magnetic fields as large as $10^{20}$ G, which are unlikely to be formed as they would require $\sim 10^{57}$ erg to be produced. Nonetheless, if strange stars may hold magnetar-strength fields ($10^{15}$ G), their internal fields are likely to reach magnetic fields as large as $10^{17}$ G. We consider neutrinos with energies of some MeV and oscillation parameters from solar, atmospheric and accelerator experiments. We study the possibility of resonant oscillation of neutrinos in strange stars.

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Fri, 17 Jan 14