Dynamo action in thick disks around Kerr black holes: high-order resistive GRMHD simulations [HEAP]


We present the first kinematic study of an $\alpha\Omega$-dynamo in the General Relativistic Magneto-HydroDynamics (GRMHD) regime, applied to thick disks orbiting around Kerr black holes and using a fully covariant mean field dynamo closure for the Ohm law. We show that the $\alpha\Omega$-dynamo mechanism leads to a continuous exponential growth of the magnetic field within the disk and to the formation of dynamo waves drifting away or toward the equatorial plane. Since the evolution of the magnetic field occurs qualitatively in the same fashion as in the Sun, we present also butterfly diagrams that characterize our models and show the establishment of an additional timescale, which depends on the microscopic properties of the turbulent motions, possibly providing an alternative explanation to periodicities observed in many high-energy astrophysical sources where accretion onto a rotating black hole is believed to operate.

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Fri, 17 Jan 14