Multiwavelength observations of the gamma-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022 in 2011 [HEAP]

We report on radio-to-gamma-ray observations during 2011 May-September of PMN J0948+0022, the first narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLSy1) galaxy detected in gamma-rays by Fermi-LAT. Strong variability was observed in gamma-rays, with two flaring periods peaking on 2011 June 20 and July 28. The variability observed in optical and near-infrared seems to have no counterpart in gamma-rays. This different behaviour could be related to a bending and inhomogeneous jet or a turbulent extreme multi-cell scenario. The radio spectra showed a variability pattern typical of relativistic jets.
The XMM spectrum shows that the emission from the jet dominates above 2 keV, while a soft X-ray excess is evident in the low-energy part of the X-ray spectrum. Models where the soft emission is partly produced by blurred reflection or Comptonisation of the thermal disc emission provide good fits to the data. The X-ray spectral slope is similar to that found in radio-quiet NLSy1, suggesting that a standard accretion disc is present, as expected from the high accretion rate. Except for the soft X-ray excess, unusual in jet-dominated AGNs, PMN J0948+0022 shows all characteristics of the blazar class.

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Fri, 20 Dec 13