The particle content of low-power radio galaxies in groups and clusters [HEAP]

The synchrotron-radiating particles and magnetic fields in low-power radio galaxies (including most nearby cluster-centre sources), if at equipartition, can provide only a small fraction of the total internal energy density of the radio lobes or plumes, which is now well constrained via X-ray observations of their external environments. We consider the constraints on models for the dominant energy contribution in low-power radio-galaxy lobes obtained from a detailed comparison of how the internal equipartition pressure and external pressure measured from X-ray observations evolve with distance for two radio galaxies, 3C 31 and Hydra A. We rule out relativistic-lepton dominance of the radio lobes, and conclude that models in which magnetic field or relativistic protons/ions carried up the jet dominate lobe energetics are unlikely. Finally, we argue that entrainment of material from the jet surroundings can provide the necessary pressure, and construct a simple self-consistent model of the evolution of the entrainment rate required for pressure balance along the 100-kpc scale plumes of 3C 31. Such a model requires that the entrained material is heated to temperatures substantially above that of the surrounding intra-group or cluster medium, and that the temperature of the thermal component of the jet increases with distance, though remaining sub-relativistic.

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Thu, 19 Dec 13