In the present paper we study the radio sources in the NRAO VLA SKY Survey (NVSS) analysing its power spectrum and galaxy distribution. There is a discrepancy between the theoretical models in the literature and the data at large scales. A new model for NVSS is proposed combining the power spectrum data from NVSS and the galaxy distribution from the Combined EIS-NVSS Survey Of Radio Sources (CENSORS). Taken into account these two data sets the differences in the power spectrum at large scales are reduced, but there is still some tension between the two data sets. Different models are compared using Bayesian evidence. A model for the galaxy distribution based on a gamma function provides a higher evidence against other models proposed in the literature. In addition, the effect of primordial non-Gaussianity has been also considered. The 2-sigma constraints on the local non-Gaussian f_NL parameter are -43 < f_NL < 142.
Tue, 3 Dec 13
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