We revisit and extend the `Effective field theory for massive gravitons’ constructed by Arkani-Hamed, Georgi and Schwartz in the light of recent progress in constructing ghost-free theories with multiple interacting spin-2 fields. We show that there exist several dual ways of restoring gauge invariance in such multi-gravity theories, find a generalised Fierz-Pauli tuning condition relevant in this context and highlight subtleties in demixing tensor and scalar modes. The generic multi-gravity feature of scalar mixing and its consequences for higher order interactions are discussed. In particular we show how the decoupling limit is qualitatively changed in theories of interacting spin-2 fields. We relate this to dRGT (de Rham, Gabadadze, Tolley) massive gravity, Hassan-Rosen bigravity and the multi-gravity constructions by Hinterbichler and Rosen. As an additional application we show that EBI (Eddington-Born-Infeld) bigravity and higher order generalisations thereof possess ghost-like instabilities.
Thu, 28 Nov 13
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