On the comparison between MASS and G-SCIDAR techniques [IMA]


The Multi Aperture Scintillation Sensor (MASS) and the Generalized-Scintillation Detection and Ranging (Generalized SCIDAR) are two instruments conceived to measure the optical turbulence (OT) vertical distribution on the whole troposphere and low stratosphere (~ 20 km) widely used in the astronomical context. In this paper we perform a detailed analysis/comparison of measurements provided by the two instruments and taken during the extended site testing campaign carried out on 2007 at Cerro Paranal and promoted by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). The main and final goal of the study is to provide a detailed estimation of the measurements reliability i.e dispersion of turbulence measurements done by the two instruments at different heights above the ground. This information is directly related to our ability in estimating the absolute value of the turbulence stratification. To better analyse the uncertainties between the MASS and the GS we took advantage of the availability of measurements taken during the same campaign by a third independent instrument (DIMM – Differential Imaging Motion Monitor) measuring the integrated turbulence extended on the whole 20 km. Such a cross-check comparison permitted us to define the reliability of the instruments and their measurements, their limits and the contexts in which their use can present some risk.

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Tue, 12 Nov 13