A Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Parallel Implementation for Simulating Taylor-Couette Flow [CL]


A hybrid-parallel direct-numerical-simulation method for turbulent Taylor-Couette flow is presented. The Navier-Stokes equations are discretized in cylindrical coordinates with the spectral Fourier-Galerkin method in the axial and azimuthal directions, and high-order finite differences in the radial direction. Time is advanced by a second-order, semi-implicit projection scheme, which requires the solution of five Helmholtz/Poisson equations, avoids staggered grids and renders very small slip velocities. Nonlinear terms are computed with the pseudospectral method. The code is parallelized using a hybrid MPI-OpenMP strategy, which is simpler to implement, reduces inter-node communications and is more efficient compared to a flat MPI parallelization. A strong scaling study shows that the hybrid code maintains very good scalability up to $\mathcal{O}(10^4)$ processor cores and thus allows to perform simulations at higher resolutions than previously feasible, and opens up the possibility to simulate turbulent Taylor-Couette flows at Reynolds numbers up to $\mathcal{O}(10^5)$. This enables to probe hydrodynamic turbulence in Keplerian flows in experimentally relevant regimes.

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Tue, 12 Nov 13