Exact Methods for Self Interacting Neutrinos [CL]


The effective many-body Hamiltonian which describes vacuum oscillations and self interactions of neutrinos in a two flavor mixing scheme under the single angle approximation has the same dynamical symmetries as the well known BCS pairing Hamiltonian. These dynamical symmetries manifest themselves in terms of a set of constants of motion and can be useful in formulating the collective oscillation modes in an intuitive way. In particular, we show that a neutrino spectral split can be simply viewed as an avoided level crossing between the eigenstates of a mean field Hamiltonian which includes a Lagrange multiplier in order to fix the value of an exact many-body constant of motion. We show that the same dynamical symmetries also exist in the three neutrino mixing scheme by explicitly writing down the corresponding constants of motion.

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Tue, 5 Nov 13