It has been suggested that antiscreening effects due to the running of the gravitational constant G might provide a partial solution to the dark matter mystery. It has also been hypothesized that renormalization group scaling transformations at large scales might supply the theoretical explanation. In this letter, we demonstrate that multifractal coarse-graining scaling effects due to classical fluctuations in the IR with consecutive symmetry breakings in gravitational evolution and induced running of the gravitational constant with fractal structures at larger scales may provide the plausible explanation of the observed results of weak lensing observations and beyond. The sporadic and localized antiscreening due to the running of the gravitational constant can also provide the backbone for the cosmic evolution and large scale structure formation. Our interpretation of this interesting finding is that such effects are the result of the complexity phenomenon involving the evolution of large-scale multifractal structures and accompanying fluctuations, not the conventional arguments suggesting quantum gravity being the primary cause. We also suggest that the running of the cosmological constant due to such stochastic complexity evolution may provide a key to the understanding of the observed cosmic acceleration.
T. Chang
Mon, 31 Aug 15
Comments: 16 pages
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