Constraining spontaneous black hole scalarization in scalar-tensor-Gauss-Bonnet theories with current gravitational-wave data [CL]

We examine the constraining power of current gravitational-wave data on scalar-tensor-Gauss-Bonnet theories that allow for the spontaneous scalarization of black holes. In the fiducial model that we consider, a slowly rotating black hole must scalarize if its size is comparable to the new length scale $\lambda$ that the theory introduces, although rapidly rotating black holes of any mass are effectively indistinguishable from their counterparts in general relativity. With this in mind, we use the gravitational-wave event GW190814$\,\unicode{x2014}\,$whose primary black hole has a spin that is bounded to be small, and whose signal shows no evidence of a scalarized primary$\,\unicode{x2014}\,$to rule out a narrow region of the parameter space. In particular, we find that values of ${\lambda \in [56, 96]~M_\odot}$ are strongly disfavored with a Bayes factor of $0.1$ or less. We also include a second event, GW151226, in our analysis to illustrate what information can be extracted when the spins of both components are poorly measured.

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L. Wong, C. Herdeiro and E. Radu
Wed, 20 Apr 22

Comments: 8 pages + references, 4 figures