How in situ atmospheric transmission can affect cosmological constraints from type Ia supernovae ? [IMA]

The measurement of type Ia supernova colours in photometric surveys is the key to access to cosmological distances. But for future large surveys like the Large Survey of Space and Time undertaken by the Vera Rubin Observatory in Chile, the large statistical power of the promised catalogues will make the photometric calibration uncertainties dominant in the error budget and will limit our ability to use it for precision cosmology. The knowledge of the on-site atmospheric transmission on average for the full survey, or for season or each exposure can help reaching the sub-percent precision for magnitudes. We will show that measuring the local atmospheric transmission allows to correct the raw magnitudes to reduce the photometric systematic uncertainties. Then we will present how this strategy is implemented at the Rubin Observatory via the Auxiliary Telescope and its slitless spectrograph.

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J. Neveu, V. Brémaud, S. Bongard, et. al.
Tue, 29 Mar 22

Comments: 2 pages, 4 figures, contribution to the 2022 Cosmology session of the 56th Rencontres de Moriond