Double Field Theory with matter and its cosmological application [CL]

We include matter in Double Field Theory (DFT) through a generalized energy-momentum tensor written in terms of $O(D,D)$ multiplets, which mimics the dynamics of a perfect fluid in the double geometry. From its divergence equation we obtain the generalized energy conservation and Euler equations. In order to construct cosmological solutions with matter, we present a space/time split of DFT where a $O(1,1) \times O(D-1,D-1)$ symmetry is preserved. The $O(1,1) \times O(D-1,D-1)$ generalized metric and the dilaton depend on both $t$ and $\tilde t$, giving rise to a cosmological principle in the double geometry. We compute the full form of the generalized Einstein equations with matter. The parametrization of these solutions recovers string cosmologies upon a suitable redefinition of the DFT energy density and pressure.

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E. Lescano and N. Mirón-Granese
Tue, 9 Nov 21

Comments: 22 pages