Dynamical Friction in Nonlocal Gravity [CL]


We study dynamical friction in the Newtonian regime of nonlocal gravity (NLG), which is a classical nonlocal generalization of Einstein’s theory of gravitation. The nonlocal aspect of NLG simulates dark matter. The attributes of the resulting effective dark matter are described and the main physical predictions of nonlocal gravity, which has a characteristic lengthscale of order 1 kpc, for galactic dynamics are presented. Within the framework of NLG, we derive the analogue of Chandrasekhar’s formula for dynamical friction. The astrophysical implications of the results for the apparent rotation of a central bar subject to dynamical friction in a barred spiral galaxy are briefly discussed.

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M. Roshan and B. Mashhoon
Wed, 14 Jul 21

Comments: 26 pages, 1 figure