The design of the Ali CMB Polarization Telescope receiver [IMA]

Ali CMB Polarization Telescope (AliCPT-1) is the first CMB degree-scale polarimeter to be deployed on the Tibetan plateau at 5,250m above sea level. AliCPT-1 is a 90/150 GHz 72 cm aperture, two-lens refracting telescope cooled down to 4 K. Alumina lenses, 800mm in diameter, image the CMB in a 33.4{\deg} field of view on a 636mm wide focal plane. The modularized focal plane consists of dichroic polarization-sensitive Transition-Edge Sensors (TESes). Each module includes 1,704 optically active TESes fabricated on a 150mm diameter silicon wafer. Each TES array is read out with a microwave multiplexing readout system capable of a multiplexing factor up to 2,048. Such a large multiplexing factor has allowed the practical deployment of tens of thousands of detectors, enabling the design of a receiver that can operate up to 19 TES arrays for a total of 32,376 TESes. AliCPT-1 leverages the technological advancements in the detector design from multiple generations of previously successful feedhorn-coupled polarimeters, and in the instrument design from BICEP-3, but applied on a larger scale. The cryostat receiver is currently under integration and testing. During the first deployment year, the focal plane will be populated with up to 4 TES arrays. Further TES arrays will be deployed in the following years, fully populating the focal plane with 19 arrays on the fourth deployment year. Here we present the AliCPT-1 receiver design, and how the design has been optimized to meet the experimental requirements.

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M. Salatino, J. Austermann, K. Thompson, et. al.
Tue, 26 Jan 21

Comments: Proc. SPIE, 11453, 114532A (2020)