Heavy elements form short and long gamma-ray bursts [HEAP]


The gravitational-wave detectors LIGO and Virgo together with their electromagnetic partner facilities have transformed the modus operandi in which we seek information about the Universe. The first ever-observed neutron-star merger—GW170817—confirmed the association of short gamma-ray bursts with neutron-star mergers and the production of heavy (r-process) elements. Based on recent theoretical and observational developments, I briefly present and discuss a conjecture, namely that compact accretion disks in both short and long gamma-ray bursts synthesize most of the heavy r-process elements in the Universe. The upcoming era of multi-messenger astronomy may allow us to verify or falsify this conjecture.

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D. Siegel
Mon, 17 Aug 20

Comments: 6 pages. Invited contribution to the Yamada Conference LXXI: Gamma-ray Bursts in the Gravitational Wave Era 2019, Yokohama, Japan. Matches published version