Cosmological constraints on the Generalized Uncertainty Principle from modified Friedmann equations [CL]

The Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) has emerged in numerous attempts to a theory of quantum gravity and predicts the existence of a minimum length in Nature. In this work, we consider two cosmological models arising from Friedmann equations modified by the GUP (in its linear and quadratic formulations) and compare them with observational data. Our aim is to derive constraints on the GUP parameter and discuss the viability and physical implications of such models. We find that the parameter in the quadratic formulation has the constraint $\alpha^{2}_{Q}<10^{59}$ (tighter than most of those obtained in an astrophysical context) while the linear formulation does not appear compatible with present cosmological data. Our analysis highlights the powerful role of high-precision cosmological probes in the realm of quantum gravity phenomenology.

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S. Giardino and V. Salzano
Wed, 3 Jun 20

Comments: 12 pages. Comments are welcome!