Does $Λ$CDM really be in tension with the Hubble diagram data? [CEA]

In this article, we elaborate further on the $\Lambda$CDM “tension”, suggested recently by the authors \cite{Lusso:2019akb,Risaliti:2018reu}. We combine Supernovae type Ia (SNIa) with quasars (QSO) and Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) data in order to reconstruct a model independent Hubble diagram to as high redshifts as possible. Specifically, in the case of either SNIa or SNIa/QSO data, we find that the cosmokinetic parameters extracted from the Gaussian process are consistent with those of $\Lambda$CDM. Including GRBs, in the analysis, we find a tension, which however is not as significant as that mentioned in \cite{Lusso:2019akb, Risaliti:2018reu}. Finally, we argue that the choice of the kernel function used in extracting the luminosity distance might affect the amount of tension.

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A. Mehrabi and S. Basilakos
Mon, 2 Mar 20

Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, comments are welcome