Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture and Non-thermal post-inflationary history [CEA]

The recently proposed Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture (TCC) can be used to constrain the energy scale of inflation. The conclusions however depend on the assumptions about post-inflationary history of the Universe. E.g. in the standard case of a thermal post-inflationary history in which the Universe stays radiation dominated at all times from the end of inflation to the epoch of radiation matter equality, TCC has been used to argue that the Hubble parameter during inflation, $H_{\inf}$, is below ${\cal O}(0.1) ~{\rm GeV}$. Cosmological scenarios with a non-thermal post-inflationary history are well-motivated alternatives to the standard picture and it is interesting to find out the possible constraints which TCC imposes on such scenarios. In this work, we find out the amount of enhancement of the TCC compatible bound on $H_{\inf}$ if post-inflationary history before nucleosynthesis was non-thermal. We then argue that if TCC is correct, for a large class of scenarios, it is not possible for the Universe to have undergone a phase of moduli domination.

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M. Dhuria and G. Goswami
Tue, 15 Oct 19

Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables