Praesepe (NGC 2632) and its tidal tails [SSA]

Within a 400 pc sphere around the Sun, we search for Praesepe’s tidal tails in the Gaia DR2 dataset. We used a modified convergent-point method to search for stars with space velocities close to the space velocity of the Praesepe cluster. We find a clear indication for the existence of Praesepe’s tidal tails, both extending up to 165~pc from the centre of the cluster. A total of 1393 stars populate the cluster and its tails, giving a total mass of 791 M_Sun. We determined a tidal radius of 10.75 pc for the cluster and a tidal mass of 480 M_Sun. The corresponding half-mass radius is 4.8 pc. We also found clear indication for mass segregation in the cluster. The tidal tails outside 2 tidal radii are populated by 389 stars. The total contamination of our sample by field stars lies between 50 to 100 stars or 3.6 to 7.2 per cent. We used an astrometrically and photometrically clean sub-sample of Gaia DR2 which makes our Praesepe sample incomplete beyond M_G ~ 12.0 mag, which corresponds to about 0.25 M_Sun. A comparison with an N-body model of the cluster and its tails shows remarkably good coincidence. Three new white dwarfs are found in the tails.

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S. Röser and E. Schilbach
Thu, 21 Mar 19

Comments: 6 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics