proEQUIB: IDL Library for Plasma Diagnostics and Abundance Analysis [IMA]

The emission lines emitted from gaseous nebulae carry valuable information about the physical conditions and chemical abundances of ionized gases in these objects, as well as the interstellar extinction. “proEQUIB” is a library containing several application programming interface (API) functions developed in the Interactive Data Language (IDL), which can be used for plasma diagnostics and abundance analysis of nebular spectra. This IDL library can also be used by the GNU Data Language (GDL), which is a free and open-source IDL compiler. This package includes several API functions to determine physical conditions and chemical abundances from collisionally excited lines (CEL) and recombination lines (RL), derive interstellar extinctions from Balmer lines, and deredden the observed fluxes. This IDL library heavily relies on the IDL Astronomy User’s library and the IDL “AtomNeb” library. The API functions of this IDL library can easily be utilized for spatially-resolved studies of ionized gaseous nebulae observed using integral field spectroscopy.

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A. Danehkar
Thu, 6 Dec 18

Comments: 3 pages, published in The Journal of Open Source Software. The code and its documentation are available at this https URL and its archive at this https URL