The Hyades tidal tails revealed by Gaia DR2 [SSA]

Within a 200 pc sphere around the Sun we search for the Hyades tidal tails in the Gaia DR2 dataset. We use a modified convergent point method to search for stars with space velocities close to the space velocity of the Hyades cluster. We find a clear indication for the existence of the Hyades tidal tails, a preceding tail extending up to 170 pc from the centre of the Hyades with 292 stars (36 contaminants), and a following tail up to 70 pc with 237 stars (32 contaminants). A comparison with an N-body model of the cluster and its tails shows remarkably good coincidence. Five white dwarfs are found in the tails.

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S. Röser, E. Schilbach and B. Goldman
Mon, 12 Nov 18

Comments: 4 pages, 4 figures