OGLE Collection of Galactic Cepheids [SSA]


We present here a new major part of the OGLE Collection of Variable Stars – OGLE Collection of Galactic Cepheids. The new dataset was extracted from the Galaxy Variability Survey images – a dedicated large-scale survey of the Galactic disk and outer bulge conducted by the OGLE project since 2013.
The OGLE collection contains 2718 Cepheids of all types – classical, type II and anomalous. It more than doubles the number of known Galactic classical Cepheids. Due to the long-term monitoring and large number of epochs the selected sample is very pure, generally free from contaminating stars of other types often mimicking Cepheids. Its completeness is high at 90% level for classical Cepheids – tested using recent samples of Galactic Cepheids: ASAS-SN, ATLAS, Gaia DR2 and Wise catalog of variable stars. Our comparisons indicate that the completeness of the two latter datasets, Gaia DR2 and Wise catalog, is very low, at < 10% level in the magnitude range of the OGLE GVS survey (10.8 < I < 19.5 mag). Both these samples are severely contaminated by non-Cepheids (the purity is 67% and 56%, respectively).
We also present several interesting objects found in the new OGLE Collection – multi-mode pulsators, a first Galactic candidate for eclipsing system containing Cepheid, a binary Cepheid candidate.

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A. Udalski, I. Soszyński, P. Pietrukowicz, et. al.
Wed, 24 Oct 18

Comments: 25 pages, 6 figures. OGLE data of Galactic Cepheids will be available from the OGLE Archive when the paper is accepted for publication