Levels of chromospheric and coronal activity in Sun-like stars and various types of dynamo waves [SSA]


We analyze the X-ray emission and chromospheric activity of Sun-like stars of F, G and K spectral classes (late-type stars) studied in the framework of the HK project. More powerful coronas are possessed by stars displaying irregular variations of their chromospheric emission, while stars with regular cyclic activity are characterized by comparatively modest X-ray luminosities and ratios of the X-ray to bolometric luminosity. This indicates that the nature of processes associated with magnetic-field amplification on the convective envelope changes appreciably in the transition from small to large dynamo numbers, directly affecting the character of the alpha-Omega dynamo. Due to the strong dependence of both the dynamo number and the Rossby number on the speed of axial rotation, earlier correlations found between various activity parameters and the Rossby number are consistent with our conclusion. Our analysis makes it possible to draw the first firm conclusions about the place of solar activity among analogous processes developing in active late-type stars.

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E. Bruevich, M. Katsova and D. Sokolov
Thu, 19 Jul 2018

Comments: 22 pages, 5 figures