The MASSIVE Survey – VIII. Stellar Velocity Dispersion Profiles and Environmental Dependence of Early-Type Galaxies [GA]

We measure the radial profiles of the stellar velocity dispersions, $\sigma(R)$, for 85 early-type galaxies (ETGs) in the MASSIVE survey, a volume-limited integral-field spectroscopic (IFS) galaxy survey targeting all northern-sky ETGs with absolute $K$-band magnitude $M_K < -25.3$ mag, or stellar mass $M_* > 4 \times 10^{11} M_\odot$, within 108 Mpc. Our wide-field 107″ $\times$ 107″ IFS data cover radii as large as 40 kpc, for which we quantify separately the inner ($<5$ kpc) and outer logarithmic slopes $\gamma_{\rm inner}$ and $\gamma_{\rm outer}$ of $\sigma(R)$. While $\gamma_{\rm inner}$ is mostly negative, of the 61 galaxies with sufficient radial coverage to determine $\gamma_{\rm outer}$ we find 33% to have rising outer dispersion profiles ($\gamma_{\rm outer} > 0.03$), 13% to be flat ($-0.03 < \gamma_{\rm outer} < 0.03$), and 54% to be falling. The fraction of galaxies with rising outer profiles increases with $M_*$ and in denser galaxy environment, with the 11 most massive galaxies in our sample all having flat or rising dispersion profiles. The strongest environmental correlation is with halo mass, but weaker correlations with large-scale density and local density also exist. The average $\gamma_{\rm outer}$ is similar for brightest group galaxies, satellites, and isolated galaxies in our sample. We find a clear positive correlation between the gradients of the outer dispersion profile and the gradients of the velocity kurtosis $h_4$. Altogether, our kinematic results suggest that the increasing fraction of rising dispersion profiles in the most massive ETGs are caused (at least in part) by variations in the total mass profiles rather than in the velocity anisotropy alone.

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M. Veale, C. Ma, J. Greene, et. al.
Fri, 4 Aug 17

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS