A New Method to Measure the Post-Reionization Ionizing Background from the Joint Distribution of Lyman-$α$ and Lyman-$β$ Forest Transmission [CEA]


The amplitude of the ionizing background that pervades the intergalactic medium (IGM) at the end of the epoch of reionization provides a valuable constraint on the emissivity of the sources which reionized the Universe. While measurements of the ionizing background at lower redshifts rely on a simulation-calibrated mapping between the photoionization rate and the mean transmission of the Ly$\alpha$ forest, at $z\gtrsim6$ the IGM becomes increasingly opaque, and transmission arises solely in narrow spikes separated by saturated Gunn-Peterson troughs. In this regime, the traditional approach of measuring the average transmission over large $\sim 50$ Mpc$/h$ regions is less sensitive and sub-optimal. Additionally, the five times smaller oscillator strength of the Ly$\beta$ transition implies the Ly$\beta$ forest is considerably more transparent at $z\gtrsim6$, even in the presence of contamination by foreground $z\sim 5$ Ly$\alpha$ forest absorption. In this work we present a novel statistical approach to analyze the joint distribution of transmission spikes in the co-spatial $z\sim 6$ Ly$\alpha$ and Ly$\beta$ forests. Our method relies on Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC), which circumvents the necessity of computing the intractable likelihood function describing the highly correlated Ly$\alpha$ and Ly$\beta$ transmission. We apply ABC to mock data generated from a large-volume hydrodynamical simulation combined with a state-of-the-art model of ionizing background fluctuations in the post-reionization IGM, and show that it is sensitive to higher IGM neutral hydrogen fractions than previous techniques. As a proof of concept, we apply this methodology to a real spectrum of a $z=6.54$ quasar and measure the ionizing background from $5.4\leq z \leq 6.4$ along this sightline with $\sim0.2$ dex statistical uncertainties.

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F. Davies, J. Hennawi, A. Eilers, et. al.
Fri, 31 Mar 17

Comments: 15 pages, 18 figures, ApJ submitted